
Modern family matchmaking

How it works

Parents make Auntie accounts

The users of Auntie are parents and other family members or friends. Nobody is looking for themselves like a typical “dating app.” Users of Auntie upload photos and information about their children, or whoever they wish to matchmake for.

they matchmake for their adult children

After each user makes an account and uploads photos and information about their matching subject, they will be taken to the “matching screen.” This is where users are shown other accounts which they can choose whether to match with.

Singles decide who to date

Auntie is about working together to make the most important decision: who to spend your life with. The only person who can ultimately make that decision is the single, not their parents. Parents use Auntie to help the single find potential matches, but then it is the single’s turn to decide whether to date that individual.

Piloting in the Frum Community

"As Rabbis we try our hardest to help singles in our community. Auntie is an incredibly user friendly app that puts the user in the driver's seat to act like a Shadchan and help singles find someone. We are blessed to have Auntie as a resource to help with Shidduchim in the Jewish Community."

-Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt, YIKGH

Growing in the South Asian Community

With over to 2 billion members and a parental matchmaking rate of close to 90%, Auntie was practically created for the South Asian community. Auntie is being adopted in India, and has penetration in Indian communities in Texas and New York, as well as Sri Lankan communities in Texas.